Our Ministries

Owosso Church of God

(Seventh Day)

Connect with People Your Age


Adult ministry seeks to provide opportunities for our members and for the community we serve to grow in faith, to find their place of mission, and to build community. we seek to transform ourselves and our communities with the love of God made known to us in Jesus.

Starting at 10:15 am on Saturdays, we offer lessons an a variety of topics designed to enrich and guide the lives of those seeking to honor God. 

We invite you to meet with our adult Bible Study group on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. 

Our women meet monthly to encourage each and empower each other in Christ. We also have an active Secret Sister program that promotes generosity. 

Men are welcome to meet the first Sunday of every month to discuss the challenges they are going through and pray together as they pursue Christ. We also facilitate a casual monthly golf outing. 

We are blessed to have a professional counselor on staff who can assist adults in making wise relational decisions and restoring their mental health.


From those daunting days as a new seventh grader to those final moments as a high school senior, our youth group encourages thoughtful exploration of what it means to be a follower of Christ in a complex and divisive world. We embrace conversations that are open and respectful, ideas that are true to the identity and work of God.

Starting at 10:15 on Saturdays, we offer lessons on a variety of topics for youth. Our youth programing is integrated with Spring Vale Christian School’s mission and curriculum designed to raise up Christian leaders. 

Youth are invited to the chapel for a time of worship and fellowship every Friday night at 7:30 pm. During this service, the youth get to preach, lead in song, and practice using their spiritual gifts. 

Our house of worship is located on Spring Vale Christian School campus. Spring Vale offers a variety of activities and often collaborates with the church to minister to youth.


We believe it is important to lay firm foundations early in the spiritual life of children and to journey with them as their faith develops and grows throughout their lives. We give families tools that can be used outside of church to help their families grow in faith and love.

Starting at 10:15 am on Saturdays, we offer lessons, crafts, and games for children that help them to memorize scripture and develop into faithful followers of Christ. 

We offer a special service for children during many of our church services.

During the summer months, we offer an exciting week-long camp that teaches children biblical principles as they play, craft, and learn together.

Spring Vale Christian School

We meet weekly for worship on the campus of Spring Vale Christian School. Naturally, we partner with the school to minister to students in grades K through 12. Our service includes after-school supervision, substitute teaching, and mentoring. Ministry to Spring Vale Christian School is one of our top priorities as we seek to raise up a generation of influential Christian leaders.

Community Focuses

We believe in being a positive impact on our community. We are actively engaged in different ministries in the greater Owosso area to empower local ministries and charities to do more good. If you would like to get involved with a local ministry or charity, contact our office and we will help get you connected. 

Welcome banquet dinner at Spring Vale Christian School